November 28, 2024 (1mo ago)
set number
: Displays absolute line numbers, useful for referencing specific lines.
set relativenumber
: Displays relative line numbers for easier navigation.
set cursorline
: Highlights the line where the cursor is located for better visibility.
set scrolloff=8
: Ensures the cursor stays surrounded by at least 8 lines of context.
set signcolumn=yes
: Keeps the sign column always visible to prevent shifting text.
set tabstop=4
: Configures tabs to visually represent 4 spaces.
set shiftwidth=4
: Determines the width of auto-indents.
set expandtab
: Converts tabs into spaces to ensure consistency across environments.
set autoindent
: Automatically copies indentation from the previous line for faster coding.
set ignorecase
: Makes search case-insensitive by default.
set smartcase
: Activates case-sensitive search if uppercase letters are present in the query.
set hlsearch
: Highlights all search results for easy identification.
set incsearch
: Displays search results incrementally as you type the search query.